Tuesday 21 June 2011

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Swing Station USA Top Five Dating Services  adly the sexualizing of Society is accelerating with little concern for present and future generations. Pedophile rings are increasing and make headlines on a regular basis. Porn has become a huge industry with massive "collateral damage."In the US, with the pornography industry bringing in up to $15bn (£8.9bn) annually, people spend more on porn every year than they do on movie tickets and all the performing arts combined. Yes! People spend more on porn every year than they do on movie tickets and all the performing arts combined.
Two fact stand out from a men's health perspective
1. 89% of porn is created in the U.S.
2. 72% of porn viewers are men
Males embracing 'healthy masculinity' need to be informed about porn and the harm it does to women, children and even the men who engage in it. In fact rather than buying into the pervasive, often unspoken social male themes such as a "real man" must be a stud, I propose that real, "real men" make a stand against porn.
Porn can be seen for what it is-yet another form of "environmental" pollution for humanity to deal with. That's right! When our personal 'invironment' is poisoned or toxic, we will manifest the same in the external 'environment.' Take a look at the sexual habits of the young today.
As Edward Marriott says in his article called Man and Porn (UK Guardian) What do you want to say when you get to the end of your life? That you wish you'd spent more time wanking on the internet? I hardly think so."
The old male mindset is of the mind, not of the heart. It requires a schism in men. It is as fundamentalist and extreme as any religious fundamentalism - it has taken us to the brink of destruction. It is irrational and dangerous.
Under the old male mindset our young boys are programmed to believe that a 'real man' is a big drinker-can drink anyone under the table, he is a stud-he gets the women and can 'go' all night, he is tough and can fight, he never complains, he will go to war because the enemy is 'evil' but he won't protect the environment-that is for sissies.
In fact protecting the environment means a man has to confront his own mistakes and issues - the old style real man does not do that. That is for sissies-or so the programming says
Our young boys are taught to hate and be angry because the real man hates. He hates because underneath his 'tough guise' he is unhappy! He hates pink (that is gay), he hates gay men, he says he loves women but his hatred uses them up, he destroys beauty. And under the macho he hates himself-so he is prone to self destruct-but not before he brings others down with him-and with nuclear weaponry that could be the whole planet.
Can it be changed? You bet, but with a new kind of muscle - heart muscle. With a new kind of fitness - emotional fitness.
How can change occur? With a new kind of mindset - partnership, not dominating.
With a wider lens that sees others and the environment as an extension of self. With a return to the original or authentic self - the self that existed before all the negative 'be a real man' programming began.
How do I know? I have seen thousands of boys and men change in the way I'm describing - some were killers, some rapists, some gang members - all were grateful to embrace a healthy and sustainable masculinity-that's the male challenge.